Is There A Way To Avoid SR-22 Insurance?

My name is Shane Donahue. A couple of years ago, I almost had a financial disaster. I had a car accident and I simply assumed that I was at fault. This would have left me responsible for paying for the repairs needed for my car, which I needed to go to work. What I didn't realize was that I was actually not at fault. The weather conditions and the actions I took while driving my vehicle lead to me not having to pay for the damages done to my vehicle. This caused me to make sure that I would never be uninformed about my insurance policy again and I have since devoted myself to a blog focused on insurance.

Is There A Way To Avoid SR-22 Insurance?

Is There A Way To Avoid SR-22 Insurance?

4 October 2019
Insurance, Blog

Receiving notification from the DMV that you now are required to have SR-22 insurance should not come as a surprise if you recently had a DUI or if you have acquired a lot of driving violations over the last year or two, but many people wonder if there is a way to avoid getting it. The truth is that there really is not a way to avoid it if you want to drive again legally.

You need it to keep your driving privileges

When the court or DMV inform you that you need SR-22, it means that if you want to keep driving with a valid driver's license, you must have this coverage. When you need this, you will receive a letter, and the letter will include an important date. This date is the date by which you must have your policy, and if you cannot prove you have a policy by this date, you will lose your license.

You must keep it for a certain length of time

The other vital thing to know is that this requirement is mandatory for a certain length of time, and the length of time is consecutively. In other words, you might need it for three years, which means three consecutive years. If you buy a policy for a year and then cancel it, you will lose your license. If you buy another policy after a few months go by, and if you have a lapse in coverage, you would need it for three more years, because the rule is that the time must be consecutive.  

You could skip getting it if you never plan to drive again

The other thing you should know that is that you do not have to get SR-22 insurance if driving is unimportant to you. If you feel that you really will never have a need to drive again in the future, then you could skip getting the coverage.

You should avoid tickets and charges after this

Finally, if you decide to purchase a policy so that you can keep your license and meet the timeframe requirement, you should do everything within your power to avoid tickets and charges in the future months, as these could affect your driving privileges and your rates.

If you currently need to purchase an SR-22 insurance policy, you should call around right away to get coverage. This is not something offered by all companies that sell insurance, but many companies do have it. For more information, visit a site such as

About Me
Are You Really At Fault?

My name is Shane Donahue. A couple of years ago, I almost had a financial disaster. I had a car accident and I simply assumed that I was at fault. This would have left me responsible for paying for the repairs needed for my car, which I needed to go to work. What I didn't realize was that I was actually not at fault. The weather conditions and the actions I took while driving my vehicle lead to me not having to pay for the damages done to my vehicle. This caused me to make sure that I would never be uninformed about my insurance policy again and I have since devoted myself to a blog focused on insurance.
