When It's A Good Idea To Update Your Car Insurance

My name is Shane Donahue. A couple of years ago, I almost had a financial disaster. I had a car accident and I simply assumed that I was at fault. This would have left me responsible for paying for the repairs needed for my car, which I needed to go to work. What I didn't realize was that I was actually not at fault. The weather conditions and the actions I took while driving my vehicle lead to me not having to pay for the damages done to my vehicle. This caused me to make sure that I would never be uninformed about my insurance policy again and I have since devoted myself to a blog focused on insurance.

When It's A Good Idea To Update Your Car Insurance

When It's A Good Idea To Update Your Car Insurance

28 February 2022
Insurance, Blog

Car insurance should be viewed as an asset because it saves you from paying a high dollar amount when damage happens to your vehicle. Sometimes, you'll need to update this policy, and here are a few good reasons to do so. 

Moving to a New State with Different Insurance Requirements 

Each state has its own requirements as far as car insurance coverage. So if you ever move to a new state, you'll probably have different insurance requirements like the minimum amount of liability coverage you need on your vehicle. You should check out these regulations just in case you need to make a policy adjustment.

Find out what auto insurance requirements are relevant to the new state that you're living in. You can talk to an insurance agent to find out these new requirements too and get further clarification on them. Then, it's just up to you to make the right policy adjustments based on what you're now obligated to meet.

Achieved a Safe Driver Milestone 

A lot of auto insurance providers have discounts for drivers that are safe. If you just reached this milestone, then it's important to contact your provider and let them know about these safe driver conditions that you met. It might be not getting into an accident within a period of time or avoiding traffic tickets.

Your insurance provider will be able to verify this and then make sure your monthly payments (premiums) reflect the good driver discount that may have attracted you to the insurance provider in the first place. Making these changes is key in saving a lot of money on car insurance.

Changing Addresses

If you ever change your address, then it's important you update your car insurance policy to reflect the new address. Then you'll be able to receive promotional materials at the right location, as well as print out a copy of your insurance card showing the right address. That will keep you from getting fined because you're totally compliant when carrying car insurance.

Making this address change isn't very difficult either. You can just go online and log into your insurance profile to make an address change in a couple of seconds. Or, you can have a car insurance agent make this adjustment for you.

If you plan on doing any sort of driving in a vehicle, you'll need to get car insurance. As long as you update this policy at the right times according to certain events, you'll always be able to take full advantage of this policy. 

About Me
Are You Really At Fault?

My name is Shane Donahue. A couple of years ago, I almost had a financial disaster. I had a car accident and I simply assumed that I was at fault. This would have left me responsible for paying for the repairs needed for my car, which I needed to go to work. What I didn't realize was that I was actually not at fault. The weather conditions and the actions I took while driving my vehicle lead to me not having to pay for the damages done to my vehicle. This caused me to make sure that I would never be uninformed about my insurance policy again and I have since devoted myself to a blog focused on insurance.
