The Pros And Cons Of Online Insurance Continuing Education Courses

My name is Shane Donahue. A couple of years ago, I almost had a financial disaster. I had a car accident and I simply assumed that I was at fault. This would have left me responsible for paying for the repairs needed for my car, which I needed to go to work. What I didn't realize was that I was actually not at fault. The weather conditions and the actions I took while driving my vehicle lead to me not having to pay for the damages done to my vehicle. This caused me to make sure that I would never be uninformed about my insurance policy again and I have since devoted myself to a blog focused on insurance.

The Pros And Cons Of Online Insurance Continuing Education Courses

The Pros And Cons Of Online Insurance Continuing Education Courses

19 July 2017
Insurance, Blog

If you have an insurance license in any of the 50 states, you are required to take continuing education courses in order to renew the license when the time comes. The frequency with which you must take these courses varies based on the state the license has been issued in and the type of insurance license you have. However, generally, you are required to take some sort of ongoing course every five to ten years to ensure you are knowledgeable about current laws and requirements. If you are looking to take an online insurance continuing education course, you may be considering an online course. Learning the pros and cons of online insurance CE courses will help you decide if they are right for you. Here are a couple of the pros and cons of online insurance continuing education courses.

The Cons of Online Insurance Continuing Education Courses

  • You Have to Have Strong Willpower

One of the downsides to an online insurance CE course is that you have to have the will to finish the course and be dedicated to doing so. Being able to take the courses at home, on your computer, can be convenient. But for some people, there are some distractions at home, that finishing can be tough. It is also easy to put off doing a course, thinking you can do it the next day. When you take a course in a traditional classroom setting, you have a set time to go, which makes it harder to put off. Unless you know you can focus on your course at home and won't put it off, you may want to stick to a traditional setting.

  • Some People Prefer to Interact With Others

The other disadvantage to online insurance CE courses is that you lose the element of human interaction. Often, the courses are recorded by a professor and posted as webinars. You can watch the webinar at a time of your choosing. However, you don't have the ability to ask questions during the course, or listen to your classmates opinions and questions. If you love to interact with others and feel you learn better this way, you may not want to take part in an online CE course.

The Pros of Online Insurance Continuing Education Courses

  • You Can Find Any Course Online

One of the biggest benefits to taking online insurance CE courses is that you can find any type of course online. If you need to complete a course for a health insurance certificate or life insurance certificate, you may be able to find a multitude of traditional classroom courses. But if you are looking for lesser known or obtained certificates, like retirement planning insurance certificates, you may struggle to find a nearby course that works for you. If you need to take the course to renew your license, but can't find an in person course nearby or at a time that fits in with your schedule, you won't have problems finding one online.

  • Taking Online Courses is Convenient

The other major benefit to taking online insurance CE courses is that they are convenient. If you have an insurance license, you are likely already working in the field. Between work, family and your personal commitments, you may not have a lot of time to drive to a school, take a course, and then drive home. An online course allows you to take the course from home, at a time that works for you. This allows you to fit it into your busy schedule, helping you to get the continuing education you need to renew your license.

Learning the pros and cons of taking online insurance CE courses will help you decide whether taking online or traditional classroom courses are ideal for you. Contact a school like Enterprise Training School to learn more.

About Me
Are You Really At Fault?

My name is Shane Donahue. A couple of years ago, I almost had a financial disaster. I had a car accident and I simply assumed that I was at fault. This would have left me responsible for paying for the repairs needed for my car, which I needed to go to work. What I didn't realize was that I was actually not at fault. The weather conditions and the actions I took while driving my vehicle lead to me not having to pay for the damages done to my vehicle. This caused me to make sure that I would never be uninformed about my insurance policy again and I have since devoted myself to a blog focused on insurance.
